A Ticket

One of the two core concepts of Safari Manager is the ticket (the other is a dashboard in which tickets are organised)

It’s like a task, possibly connected to a thread of correspondence. Everything in Safari Manager is a ticket:

  • A safari (tours)
  • A reservation (hotels,airlines)
  • A hotel booking, flight, transfer, charter, insurance, or other supplier booking (all)
  • An incoming client payment (all)
  • An operation – the vehicle part of a safari (tours)
  • A resupply request (hotels)

A ticket can be related to other tickets – as in a parent-child relationship. A safari has child tickets for receipts, bookings, operations, and conversely those tickets have a parent of a safari. You can easily click between tickets related to a safari

A ticket has several sections, described in detail below



SM Enquiry Ticket BasicsThe section contains data such as:

  • ID number
  • Status
  • The Department of the ticket
  • A few bits of general info, such as duration, total price etc.

The ticket id is unique, and is the reference for the ticket, be it a safari, booking, operation etc.

The Status changes according to a lifecycle – eg. new->open->confirmed->makebookings->sold->happening->completed

The Department is either enquiries, bookings, operations, receipts, or a custom department depending on your needs/

You can view the basics section in the demo here or edit it here


This is where the bulk of the information SM Enquiry Ticket Fieldsabout your safari/booking/reservation is kept. The information section is divided up in to several sub sections. Each section contains a group of related fields.  Some sections are filled in by the client themselves from a link they receive in an automated mail once a safari/reservation is confirmed.Each department has different fields, though many are common to all departments. The same ticket may have some fields visible and editable to one group (eg bookings) but not another (eg payments) and vice versa. Depending on the type of safari/reservation/booking etc. not all fields will be applicable.
You can view the information section in the demo here or edit it here


SM Enquiry Ticket DatesThe Dates section is a very important section to keep up-to-date. The Starts/Ends dates designate the start and end of services (sometimes called Check-in/Check-out etc).

Here we also have dates such as “cancel by” for provisional bookings, “Payment Due” for supplier payments, and “Response Time” for managers to see how quickly sales were replied to.

There also several system dates, such as when the ticket was created, when it was completed, last updated, and when the client last contacted (can be manually changed for phone calls etc).
You can view the dates section in the demo here or edit it here


This is a very important section and is where tickets are linked, or related to each other. This is where you can find all the bookings, receipts, operations tickets related to a safari/booking. You can easily click back and forth between all the “child” tickets to see their details.It is this section that makes it easy to select a single safari, view all it’s information and everything to do with that trip, including the status of all bookings/receipts/payments and with a click, all correspondence with all suppliers.
You can view the links section in the demo here or edit it here


SM Enquiry Ticket PeopleEach ticket – a safari, booking, receipt or operation has people associated with it. For a safari we have a consultant, and one or more clients, for a booking, an booking agent and a supplier. We refer to these two roles as the “owner” or the “requestor”. The Owner (or consultant) is responsible for the ticket, and it will appear in their dashboard.
In addition, other interested parties can be added as a CC, or AdminCC,  eg a manager might want to receive communication from a specific safari.
This section also shows the data fields related to the number of adults/kids and room allocation etc.
You can view the people section in the demo here or edit it here


 SM Enquiry Ticket AttachmentsAll attachments exchanged with the client or supplier are stored in this section, easily downloadable/viewable.  On the reply screen, for composing a reply to the client, there is an option to re-attach any attachments previously sent. Saves searching through lots of emails to find it, or having to prefile it on arrival. It’s done for you.
You can view the attachments section in the demo here

About the client/supplier

SM Enquiry Ticket About the ClientFor reference, we have a section about the client/supplier/requestor – it shows what other tickets this person/business has that are active, and those that are completed from the past.
You can view the “about the client” section in the demo here


The history section contains a log of everything that has happened to a ticket, by whom, and when. It’s a full audit trail of the history of the ticket and cannot be tampered with.

It includes:

  • All email correspondence with the “Requestor” – i.e the client, or hotel
  • Comments
  • Every outgoing email sent
  • Every change to any data field – dates, people, information, links
  • Each addition of a sub-ticket, or child ticket
  • Owner changes

You can look back through everything that has ever happened to a ticket/safari/booking to find out what happened if things have gone wrong, and find a solution quickly. This section can be quite long, with sales correspondence often more than 50 email. Usually we display the most recent transactions at the top, and the older ones only load if you scroll down.
You can view the history section in the demo here
SM Enquiry Ticket History